Wartsila Voyage
Next-gen training solutions that prepare you for today’s challenges with tomorrow’s technologies.
It is not just about upgrading ships. Greener shipping and the adoption of newer and smarter technologies pose a huge skilling challenge as no efficiency effort will work if people are not trained to handle the new systems and processes. Considering there are over 1.65 million seafarers on merchant ships alone, the cost implications of this effort could be massive. This is where simulation training, using new technologies like AR and VR, comes in.
Our solutions make this switch smoother and cost-efficient by providing highly realistic learning environments and the convenience of any time, anywhere training and assessment.
Leveraging 25 years of industry experience, unparalleled mathematical models and the latest techniques like gamification, virtual and augmented recreations, we offer the most sophisticated immersive training solutions to prepare mariners for the real world that awaits them onboard and onshore. These simulation solutions also expedite innovation and research processes by acting as the perfect testbed for new concepts and products that then directly contribute to the decarbonization and commercialization of the solutions.