Manufacturing & Engineering

Advanced Manufacturing Skills TrainersOur learning programs develop job-ready skills that have been proven time and again. Take a look at how we can help you be successful!

Colleges are challenged to offer courses whenever students are available – and frequently, wherever they are available. Students want courses that are available on campus as well as from home while also providing strong hands-on skills for the technology demands facing them. Meeting these demands is no small task.

Amatrol has learning programs that allow colleges to excel in this demanding environment. We offer a full range of learning systems, both in a traditional equipment lab setting as well as in a virtual lab, that meet and exceed students' expectations.

  • DAC Worldwide Technical Trainers
    Item Number:
    DAC Worldwide’s Bladder Accumulator Cutaway is a professionally-crafted hydraulic accumulator cutaway that supports training in the application, design details, and operating principles of hydraulic accumulators commonly found with hydraulic systems.
  • DAC Heat Transfer & Steam
    Item Number:
    DAC Worldwide’s Boiler Tube Maintenance Training System Plus (240-PAC) is a heavy-duty unit perfect for either classroom or lab training. Users will gain critical hands-on skills in the removal and installation of fire tubes in fire-tube boilers.
  • DAC Heat Transfer & Steam
    Item Number:
    DAC Worldwide’s Boiler Tube Trainer (240-000) is a heavy-duty fixture for convenient classroom or laboratory training in the removal and installation of tubes in industrial fire tube boilers. Based on the geometry and materials of a common Scotch marine boiler, this device allows for repeated practice in the maintenance of tubes without jeopardizing actual equipment, or consuming unnecessary floor space.
  • DAC Mechanical Drives
    Item Number:
    DAC Worldwide’s Brake Clutch Trainer (220-000) is a complete, motorized training package of brake and clutch-related hardware and control components.
  • DAC Mechanical Drives
    Item Number:
    DAC Worldwide’s Brake Clutch Training System (220-PACP) is a complete, motorized training package of brake and clutch-related hardware and control components.
  • DAC Worldwide Technical Trainers
    Item Number:
    DAC Worldwide’s Ceiling Unit Cooler System Cutaway is a professionally-crafted, sectioned example of a refrigeration system fragment, including ceiling unit cooler with associated components, as used in commercial refrigeration systems relating to food preservation applications.
  • DAC Worldwide Technical Trainers
    Item Number:
    DAC Worldwide’s Centrifugal Clutch Cutaway (200-2204) depicts a modified industrial centrifugal clutch for mechanical drive training in a classroom or laboratory. This sectioned mechanical power transmission component uses centrifugal force to connect two concentric shafts by throwing a centrifugal shoe outwards at a right angle to the primary shaft axis, which allows for shift during start-up.
  • Manufacturing Skills Standards Council (MSSC)
    The CFT program was created in partnership with the Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association (MHEDA) to provide skills to entry-level forklift technicians, enhancing their performance in the world of material handling. The CFT prepares individuals to repair and maintain technical systems utilizing key engineering principles that underpin most forklift vehicles.
  • Workforce Certifications
    Item Number:
    C-101 / C-102 / C-103 / C-104
    SACA’s Associate certifications are introductory Industry 4.0 certifications appropriate for operators and other individuals seeking to become familiar with Industry 4.0 factory floor automation equipment and processes.
  • SACA’s Certified Industry 4.0 Professional certification
    SACA’s Certified Industry 4.0 Professional certification is an engineering certification that focuses on the analysis, design, and optimization of Industry 4.0 systems. It prepares engineers to succeed in positions in modern production environments that use Industry 4.0 technologies.
