Manufacturing & Engineering

Advanced Manufacturing Skills TrainersOur learning programs develop job-ready skills that have been proven time and again. Take a look at how we can help you be successful!

Colleges are challenged to offer courses whenever students are available – and frequently, wherever they are available. Students want courses that are available on campus as well as from home while also providing strong hands-on skills for the technology demands facing them. Meeting these demands is no small task.

Amatrol has learning programs that allow colleges to excel in this demanding environment. We offer a full range of learning systems, both in a traditional equipment lab setting as well as in a virtual lab, that meet and exceed students' expectations.

  • DAC Electrical/Electronics Trainer
    Item Number:
    DAC Worldwide’s Basic PLC Training System – AB Micro850 (461-000) is a self-contained PLC training system that allows for self-directed instruction related to the programming and application of industrial PLCs.
  • Quality Assurance Skill Training
    Item Number:
    DAC Worldwide’s Basic Precision Measurement Kit 1 (803-101) covers valuable industrial quality assurance skills using precision rules, dial calipers, micrometers, and other common precision measurement tools and instruments. Learners will use locally-available precision measurement tools to practice fundamental measurement techniques and tools used in industry.
  • Realistic Heat Transfer Training Aid
    Bayport Technical’s models are detailed, to-scale models that depict various industrial machines. The industrial models, which are loosely based on common equipment by popular industry leaders, include all primary features and components.
  • DAC Mechanial Drives
    Item Number:
    DAC Worldwide’s Bearing Maintenance Training System (204-000) is a heavy-duty learning package that allows for in-depth training in the identification, installation, and removal of a variety of industrial-quality rolling element bearings.
  • Model: 204E-PAC
    Item Number:
    DAC Worldwide’s Bearing Maintenance Training System Plus (204E-PAC) is a heavy-duty learning package that allows for in-depth training in the identification, installation, and removal of a variety of industrial-quality rolling element bearings.
  • DAC Worldwide Technical Trainers
    Item Number:
    DAC Worldwide’s Bearing Maintenance Training System Plus (204-PAC) is a heavy-duty learning package that allows for in-depth training in the identification, installation, and removal of a variety of industrial-quality rolling element bearings.
  • DAC Sample Boards
    Item Number:
    DAC Worldwide's Bearing Sample Board (835-PAC), designed for hands-on learning of essential bearing types crucial for industrial maintenance technicians, includes industry-standard bearing samples, shields, seals, and magnetic tags, enhancing practical skills transferable to real-world settings. Perfect for training in bearing operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting, with adaptable courseware for instructor-led or self-directed study.
  • DAC Heat Transfer & Steam
    Item Number:
    DAC Worldwide’s Belt Drive Training System (201-000) is a heavy-duty, multi-functional training fixture that allows for convenient training in the identification, installation, tensioning, and alignment of common belt drives types found in industry. A steel baseplate and aluminum components combine to create a lightweight, yet realistic and stable device.
  • Item Number:
    DAC Worldwide’s Belt Drive Training System Plus (201-PAC) is a heavy-duty, multi-functional belt drive training fixture that allows for convenient training in the identification, installation, tensioning, and alignment of common belt drive types found throughout industry. The benchtop training system is also packaged with hardware for applications related to multiple matches belts, fractional horsepower belts, positive drive belts, and variable pitch sheaves.
  • Training Aid for Belt Selection
    Item Number:
    DAC Worldwide’s Belt Sample Board (837-PAC) is an introductory, hands-on teaching aid designed to supplement courses in belt drive, sheave selection, and maintenance. It includes samples of eight (8) industrial-quality belts for users to learn to identify.
