Steam System Training System

  • Amatrol Steam System Trainer 950-SH1

Amatrol’s Steam System Training System (950-SH1) introduces learners to the operation, installation, maintenance, and repair of steam systems and their application in paper mills, commercial and residential settings, power companies, and even nuclear submarines. Amatrol’s exceptionally thorough curriculum covers a comprehensive range of steam system topics, including both practical applications such as how to operate a boiler and theoretical knowledge like the coefficient of volume and thermal expansion.

The 950-SH1 includes an electric boiler, blowdown separator, condensate feedwater system, heat exchanger, strainer, and steam trap. This learning system also comes with a welded steel mobile workstation (32-in W x 82-in H x 92- in L) with 4” square welded steel tubing and heavy duty casters. Amatrol supplies these industrial-grade, top-flight components in order to give the learner an opportunity to work with real-world mechanisms and gain experience they would normally only acquire on the job.