Automotive Technology & Collision Repair
Automotive training equipment is essential for students of technical subjects to understand better working processes in various automotive systems and explore different sensors, actuators, other devices, and their functions. We offer a wide selection of training products for Automotive Technology and Collision Repair programs.
College automotive & transportation solutions for light and medium/heavy vehicles as well as hybrid and diesel engines. Teach everything from basic engine functions to complex maintenance and troubleshooting. Our product portfolio even includes tools for teaching emerging technologies such as sensors, servos, GPS, gimbaling, microprocessors, and programming.
LJ Create Automotive

This program has been designed to allow you to build a NATEF certified automotive program that will enable your students to become new hi-tech auto technicians. A unique blend of online digital learning resources and practical equipment combines to create an automotive teaching program that will deliver the knowledge and practical skills students need to achieve success. Learn More
Topics covered include:
Automotive theory taught in a practical way… including:
Sectioned Components Exposing the inner workings of components provides a safe and accessible way of viewing how complex systems are constructed – key components are color-coded for easy identification. Our cut-aways are fitted with hand cranks to enable students and teachers to see how components interact with each other to create a fully working system.
Autotronics Panel Trainers Our innovative computer-linked panel trainers simulate a range of complex vehicle operations that can be used in a safe classroom environment. These trainers are lightweight, freestanding and are a great resource for front-of-class teaching and group activities.
Autotronics Boards Our unique autotronics boards provide students with a practical approach to theoretical learning. Diagnostic and faultfinding skills can be developed from the safety of the classroom with these desktop systems… it’s just like the real thing!
System and Component Rigs Many automotive technology concepts are best taught using fully functioning vehicle component rigs, where an instructor can show students a wide variety of diagnostic and maintenance techniques. Students are also able to perform tasks on systems without the need for a complete vehicle, which in some cases means practical tasks can also take place in the classroom.
Light Vehicle
- Engine Repair
- Automatic Transmission and Transaxle
- Manual Drive Train and Axles
- Suspension and Steering
- Brakes
- Electrical/Electronic Systems
- Heating and Air Conditioning
- Engine Performance
- Employability Skills
- Required Supplemental Tasks
Medium/Heavy Vehicle
- Diesel Engines
- Drive Train
- Brakes
- Suspension & Steering
- Electrical/Electronic Systems
- Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
- Required Supplemental Tasks

Spray painting instructors, training directors and other team members continually look for ways to decrease costs associated with materials (e.g. paint, thinners, work pieces, and air filters), facilities, and time.
- Reduced Training Costs
- More hands-on training time by eliminating time spent prepping and cleaning
- Paintometer™ calculates time painting, paint/coating applied and wasted, number of parts painted and VOC emissions
- Green Technology by eliminating VOCs and by reducing energy use
Automotive Electronics Installer Course

The Automotive Electronics Installer Course introduces students to the exciting field of automotive electronics. The Marcraft Automotive Electronics Course provides the foundation knowledge to prepare students to successfully obtain the ASE Automotive/Light Truck Electircal & Electronics Certification (A6).
Air Conditioning Trainers

Our automotive trainers are designed to give students a working understanding of the components they will find on an automotive air conditioning system.
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